Something for the weekend

Why, I was browsing around the SF and Fantasy section in Waterstones when I saw these.

The first Solaris books have hit the shelves!

—Mark N


James Maxey said...

Excellent. If it doesn't snow tomorrow, I'll run out and see if I can find them in a bookstore here.

marco said...

Hey James,

Did you brave the snow and manage to find any books?

—Mark N

James Maxey said...

Alas, no. We had an ice storm so I stayed home and worked on the line edits for Bitterwood. Made excellent progress. I may be turning the edits in as early as tonight, though tomorrow is more likely. Then I can go bookshopping guilt free.

For what it's worth, I only live a hundred miles or so from Gail Martin, and swapped an email with her this morning. She hasn't seen her book in stores yet. Apparently February 5th is the target date.

marco said...

Yeah, they can vary quite a bit off that date, especially in the US because distribution is over such a huge area.

I guess the UK books were sent out early, which is not a problem, of course!

— Mark N