Whew! A week into March and six posts already. I'm going quite dizzy from all the typing.
So it's been an exciting time for swordsman, zombie-hunter, Ronan Keating-devotee and raconteur Andy Remic recently (there's the lovable little ginger psycho on the right).
His fourth Combat K book, Cloneworld, has just landed on the shelves (This very week! Hurry, there may still be copies left!). He attended the SFX Weekender with us last month and had an asbolute blast, where we launched the book, he wore a very strange pink hat, and was interviewed by the Scrolls podcast.
Now, we've just seen our first extremely enthused review of Cloneworld over at Falcata Times:
[Remic] cluster-bombs the reader's brain with seriously hard-core fight sequences and devilishly complex missions and finishes it with a cocktail of fully-formed characters, full-throttled adrenaline, and a seat-of-the-pants, rocket-fuelled plotline and twists it off with few drops of Nitro-glycerine as he shakes this mix and waits for the explosion.
And to top it all off, he's agreed to be interviewed by your gentle bloggers, here at the Solaris Books blog. The full interview will be going up tomorrow, so keep an eye out for that!

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