Hello All
Remember me? Actually, I'm not sure I've even posted here before, but haven't David and Jenni being doing a brilliant job of keeping things happily ticking away? Anyway, thought I should say a few words about what I've been commissioning of late.
Firstly, it's a great pleasure to welcome back Tim Akers to the Solaris fold. Tim did a stunning job with Heart of Veridon and it was great to be able to get him back for the follow up. Dead of Veridon will be hitting shelves probably spring next year, but in the meantime here is the cover art sans text. Once we have the finished jobby we'll let you see that too, but I couldn't resist showing you what loveliness Greg Staples came up with for us:

Along with Tim, we're welcoming back other Solaris authors for new and continuing novels. I have just signed a three book deal with Andy Remic (or REMIC! as we like to refer to him in the office, yes all capitals and an exclamation mark) who will be continuing the Combat K series of novels. Andy is, by far, the hardest man working in SF today (he told me to say that, otherwise he said he'd cut me) and it's a pleasure to be working with him again. Just in case you need proof of his toughness credentials (and, believe me, he is nails, he makes a mean chilli for a start) here's a picture of him with a gun. That's how he writes by the way, gun in one hand, pen in the other, sitting atop a mountain while fighting bears and eating barbed wire:

It is also a great pleasure to welcome back Conrad Williams, who is going to be penning a novel for us called Loss of Separation. I have been reading Conrad's work for years now, I was even at the launch of his first novel, Head Injuries, and Conrad has always been one of the most intelligent and fiercely good writers working in the horror genre. Loss of Separation promises to be gut-wrenching and powerful.
On top of all this we also have the return of Emily Gee. Emily is by far one of the brightest new stars in fantasy and her novels The Laurentine Spy and Thief With No Shadow were both superb. So, it's with great pleasure that I announce that Emily is penning a new fantasy for us called The Sentinel Mages.
And now a new project for Solaris this year to tell you about. I'm in the process of putting together an anthology of horror stories set on and around the underground, called The End of The Line. This is going to feature some of the brightest stars of horror fiction and I already have stories in from Chris Fowler, Al Ewing, Simon Bestwick, Gary McMahon and Adam Neville. I'll keep the blog updated as more stories come in. I've always loved stories set on the underground and it's a pleasure to gather together some of my favourite writers to weave tales set in this strange subterranean world. Here's the cover rough to pique your interest:
And that about wraps it up for now.
Keep reading and keep your comments coming.
Jon Oliver