We've moved!

Having called The When Gravity Fails blog our home for many, many (man we're old) years at the start of 2015 we decided it was time for a change...

This blog was started back in 2006 by then owners Black Library, when Rebellion Publishing purchased the imprint in 2009 it came to sit alongside our other sister imprints Abaddon Books and 2000 AD, and the blog came with it. Then back in 2013 we launched a new, exciting YA and Children's imprint called Ravenstone which promises to bring the freshest and most cutting-edge titles to the market.

That's a whole lot of books going on, and we don't want you to miss any of our outpourings (from award-winning anthologies and novels, to classic pulp fiction, to literary genre mind-benders) so we decided it was time to bring all our projects in to one home.

While we're sad to see the blog go (and we promise we'll keep the old posts up should you ever want to see some of the weird and wonderful thoughts we've had over the years) we hope you'll join us in our new home where you can keep track of ALL our projects under one roof: www.rebellionpublishing.com.

Come over and we'll pop the kettle on.

1 comment:

  1. That link is slightly broken, you have a spurious space near the end of the URL string before the final slash.
